August 17, 2011


Some songs really go through you, touching your heart, and then you feel the touch and the peace of them! I became a fan of Jeff Buckely after I heard Hallelujah, but recently when I heard the other versions of the song, I became his devotee! So much so that after I deleted my facebook account just to stop myself from using it (yeah, that is my declaration, I am trying to prevent myself from this addiction.), and twitter won't allow me to write what I feel in so many words, I drew a first in writing directly to my blog (earlier I used to write first in an editor, try to edit it, and then publish.)

Back to the song, I can't draw the same emotion that the song drew in me through mere words.
Just listen to this song, and you will know. If you are in IIT, better let the song stream first (you don't want the reduced bandwidth to ruin it for you)

Don't thank me yet. After you have heard this song (or by this time you might have even downloaded it) try out these other versions, by Leonard Cohen, the original lyricist of this soothing beauty.

And then there is another version which I Rufus Wainwright sang, and it came as the cover for Shrek soundtrack

Mirror mirror on the wall, which is the best of them all? Don't you love that Jeff Buckley actually sang this song? Or that he was born and decided to become a singer and got inspired from this vivacious piece of poetry? It is a wonder how he managed to create the perfect masterpiece. Cohen's version was still not deep enough, to go beneath just the mouthing of words. But oh! what they both have done together. Enjoy the bliss, this should be my cue to bid adieu. And parting off, I want to quote a comment on his video:
"dude when im on my death bed, this song better be playing"(sic)

Hats off to Leonard Cohen and Jeff Buckley. You've touched a soul! You've touched a million of 'em!

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